

Bard to jedna z dwóch subklas klasy Mage w Lost Ark. Bardowie dzierżąc w rękach harfy, władają umiejętnościami rzucania czarów i zapewniają leczenie i buffy sojusznikom ((Bard,, Dostęp 13-02-2022)).

Bard Lost Ark

Rola Barda

Bard to klasa wsparcia, która wykorzystuje świętą harfę do atakowania wrogów z dużej odległości i wsparcia sojuszników będąc na tyłach drużyny. Mogą ranić wrogów ostrymi melodiami i leczyć sojuszników pięknymi, łagodnymi nutami. Używając różnych wzmocnień, bard może zapewnić drużynie potężne wsparcie. Chociaż statystyki ataku barda są niskie, są one kluczowym elementem drużyny ze względu na ich zdolność do zapewniania sporej ilości buffów wzmacniających.


  • Wysoka przeżywalność
  • Długi czas buffów do ataku
  • Przyzwoite leczenie w drużynie
  • Długi czas buffa redukującego obrażenia


  • Niski buff tarczy,
  • Wymaga odpowiedniego pozycjonowania w walce,
  • Niski czas buffa regeneracji many


Poniżej znajdziecie wszystkie umiejętności Barda, które dostępne są w grze wraz z wymaganym poziomem do odblokowania, czasem odnowienia oraz opisem.

Standardowe skille

Lost Ark Skill Sound ShockSound Shock106 secondsPull the string of the harp to fire an orb of light that explodes on impact, inflicting X Damage to the target and nearby foes.
Lost Ark Skill DissonanceDissonance108 secondsCause a clash of musical notes at the target location, inflicting X Damage every 0.5s for 5s and reducing Move Speed by 60% for 1s.
Lost Ark Skill Sound WaveSound Wave108 secondsSummon a beautiful melody to inflict X Damage and push foes away.
Lost Ark Skill StigmaStigma1016 secondsCast a Stigma at the target location. The Stigma lasts for 4s, attacking foes for X Damage every 0.7s. Max of 5 times. Stigma’s Damage +12.5%, the faster it pulses.
Lost Ark Skill Conviction CoreConviction Core1020 secondsSummon 3 Cores to protect yourself for 10s. The Cores explode when there is a foe within 4 meters, inflicting X Damage.
Lost Ark Skill Rhapsody of LightRhapsody of Light1024 secondsSummon beautiful sound waves at the target location, inflicting X [Holy] Damage every 1.5s 3 times. Channeling will be canceled if you move.
Lost Ark Skill Wind of MusicWind of Music1218 secondsCall forth a fierce wind that inflicts X Damage, Pushing foes. It will then spread wide to inflict X Damage on foes in an additional 1 meter radius.
Lost Ark Skill Sonic VibrationSonic Vibration1424 secondsLift foes at the target location, inflicting X Damage, and then slam them back onto the ground, inflicting X Damage. This skill’s melody lingers for 3s, inflicting X Damage 4 times.
Lost Ark Skill Rhythmic BuckshotRhythmic Buckshot1616 secondsPull the string of the harp to blow up the musical note, inflicting X Damage and knocking foes away.
Lost Ark Skill SoundholicSoundholic1824 secondsShoot a blinding ray of light for 3s, attacking foes 10 times to inflict X Damage every 0.3s. You can change the direction of the light ray, but the channeling will be canceled if you move.
Lost Ark Skill Prelude of Storm	Prelude of Storm2016 secondsPlay a powerful tune to call forth a storm that inflicts X Damage and stuns foes for 3s.
Lost Ark Skill Heavenly TuneHeavenly Tune2430 secondsInflict X Damage on nearby foes. Atk. Speed for all party members within a 24 meter radius +3.5% and MP Recovery Speed +12% for 8s.
Lost Ark Skill Note Bundle	Note Bundle2812 secondsCast a group of musical notes that travels at a low speed while continuously inflicting X Damage and Move Speed -40% for 4s. The musical notes can hit the same foe up to 84 times.
Lost Ark Skill Prelude of DeathPrelude of Death3224 secondsPlay the Prelude of Death to attack nearby foes, inflicting X Damage 2 times, inflicting Death’s End on them, a debuff that expires after 3s, causing X additional Damage. For each stack of Death’s End, Move Speed -20% up to 40% and Damage upon expiration +50%.
Lost Ark Skill Harp of RhythmHarp of Rhythm3624 secondsSummon a harp that has a will of its own. The harp shoots a guided musical note that inflicts X Damage to foes within a 14 meter radius.
Lost Ark Skill MarchMarch4020 secondsPlay the harp, summoning musical notes every 1s. They follow the closest foe, inflicting X Damage. Move Speed -50% for 2s.
Lost Ark Skill Guardian TuneGuardian Tune5030 secondsPlay the harp. Damage to all party members within a 24 meter radius -20% for 8s.

Awakening skills

Combat LevelIconSkill NameCooldown (minutes)TypeDescription
50Lost Ark Skill OratorioOratorio5NormalPlay the giant harp and sing with angels, inflicting up to X [Holy] Damage. Explosion causes X [Holy] Damage and foe Crit Resistance -12.0% against attacks from all party members for 6s.
50Lost Ark Skill SymphoniaSymphonia5NormalRise into the air and play in an ensemble with angels, granting a shield for every ally within 12 meters, which absorbs Damage equal to 100% of your Max HP for 10s. Inflict X Damage to foes. Foe Atk. Power -30%, foe Atk. Speed -20%, and foe Move Speed -40% for 10s. Gain 1 Bubble.

Wszystkie klasy

GunnerGunslinger /
MageBard / Sorcreress
Martial ArtistStriker /
WarriorBerserker / Gunlancer / Paladin
