Gunlancer to jedna z trzech subklas klasy Warrior w Lost Ark. To najbardziej defensywna specjalizacja klasy Wojownika. Wyróżnia się niezwykłą zdolnością pochłaniania ogromnych obrażeń, co czyni je idealną pierwszą linią obrony dla każdej drużyny. Jednak wysoka obrona ma również wpływ na jego mobilność. Jest najwolniejszym wojownikiem w grze.
Rola Gunlancera
Gunlancerzy używają tzw. Gunlance, innymi słowy lancy połączonej z bronią palną Dodatkowo uzbrojony jest w potężną tarczę, aby pomóc im skutecznie wypełniać rolę tanka.
Są uważani za najbardziej wytrzymałą klasę w grze ze względu na ich wysokie HP, wysoki współczynnik obrony i umiejętności obronne, dlatego zawsze pozostają na linii frontu. Gunlancerzy mają nie tylko zdolność blokowania większości ataków wroga, ale także umiejętności agregowania i zarządzania zagrożeniem.
- Wysokie obrażenia ogłuszające
- Najwyższa przeżywalność w grze
- Posiada redukcję obrażeń i buff tarczy
- Jest idealnym Supportem
- Mała mobilność,
- Niski zasięg ataku,
- wymaga sporej wiedzy nt. ataków wroga
Poniżej znajdziecie wszystkie umiejętności Gunlancera, które dostępne są w grze wraz z wymaganym poziomem do odblokowania, czasem odnowienia oraz opisem.
Standardowe skille
Poziom | Ikona | Umiejętność | Cooldown | Opis |
10 | Bash | 10 | Perform a shield attack that inflicts 111 Damage and stuns foes for 3s. | |
10 | Dash Upper Fire | 16 | Advance 3 meters61 forward, striking foes with your gunlance to inflict Damage, launching them into the air. Use the skill again to fire a shell and inflict 246 Damage. | |
10 | Fire Bullet | 7 | Perform a shelling attack at foes at close range, inflicting 141 Damage. | |
10 | Rising Gunlance | 9 | Inflict 32 Damage by sticking the spear into the ground, then pull it out to inflict 126 Damage to foes in front of you, launching them into the air. | |
10 | Sharp Gunlance | 5 | Thrust the spear forward, inflicting 155 Damage. | |
10 | Shield Bash | 9 | Perform a fierce shield swing to inflict 35 Damage. Use the skill again to inflict 84 Damage with the following swing. | |
12 | Leap Attack | 16 | Leap 9 meters toward the target location to strike at the ground, inflicting 275 Damage. | |
14 | Guardian’s Thunderbolt | 20 | Call forth a lightning strike from the sky to inflict 392 [Lightning] Damage to foes in a 5 meter radius, electrocuting them for 3s. | |
16 | Hook Chain | 24 | Throw a long chained hook to inflict 74 Damage, then pull that foe to you, inflicting 84 Damage. | |
18 | Shield Charge | 16 | Charge forward with your shield raised in front of you. While charging, inflict 43 Damage with each hit. | |
20 | Charged Stinger | 30 | While in a defensive stance, focus energy and thrust the spear in front of you. You can slowly change the direction of the attack while focusing energy. Damage varies according to the charge stage: 225 Damage when undercharged, 525 Damage on Level 1, and 751 Damage when overcharged. | |
24 | Shout of Hatred | 30 | Let out a fierce roar. Inflicts 203 Damage to foes within a 8 meter radius, taunting non-player foes for 5s and disabling certain skills on them. Challenge or higher foes cannot be taunted again for a set period of time. | |
28 | Shield Shock | 12 | Strike the ground with your shield, inflicting 136 Damage. Foe Move Speed -40% for 4s. | |
32 | Counter Gunlance | 20 | Raise the shield to defend attacks from the front for 2s. You can negate the Damage using 10000% of Max HP. If you defend an attack, perform a counterattack within 1s, inflicting 553 Damage and knocking foes back. | |
36 | Nellasia’s Energy | 40 | Let out a roar. Damage to all party members in a 24 meter radius -10% for 6s. | |
40 | Gunlance Shot | 18 | Perform a vicious thrusting attack to inflict 83 Damage and focus energy at the tip of the gunlance. The energy draws foes toward you, inflicting 169.8 total Damage. When the energy is charged enough, fire a shell to inflict 165 Damage and launch the foe into the air. | |
50 | Surge Cannon | 30 | Compress the energy using the exploder on your weapon, then propel it out in front of you. If the energy is not fully compressed, inflict 373 Damage and push foes away. When fully compressed, inflict 745 Damage and knock back foes. |
Awakening skills
Poziom | Ikona | Umiejętność | Cooldown | Opis |
50 | Guardian’s Protection | 5 | Upon using the skill, recover 100% Shield Meter and release a 10 meter radius protection aura in the nearby area for 10s. Foes within the aura take 111 Damage and become stunned for 4s. Within the aura, all party members take -40.0% less Damage and become immune to Pushes and debuffs. | |
50 | Lance of Judgment | 5 | Summon a giganticspear of light at the target location, inflicting 111 [Holy] Damage and launching foes into the air. Crit Rate +10% for all party members within a 5 meter radius for 10s. |
Wszystkie klasy
Klasa | Subklasa |
Assassin | |
Gunner | Gunslinger / |
Mage | Bard / Sorcreress |
Martial Artist | Striker / |
Warrior | Berserker / Gunlancer / Paladin |